Decorah, IA Clinic Opening Soon! View Our 12 Iowa Office Locations
Decorah, IA Clinic Opening Soon! View Our 12 Iowa Office Locations

Life can often feel overwhelming. Between external pressures, unexpected events, and the constant flow of information, it’s easy to lose sight of the things you can control. But amidst the chaos, there lies a powerful truth: you have more agency than you might realize.

Focusing on the things you can control empowers you to navigate challenges, cultivate resilience, and ultimately shape your life in a meaningful way. It’s not about controlling everything, but rather recognizing the areas where you can exert influence and make conscious choices.

What Are The Things You Can Control?

The answer is simple yet powerful: yourself. While external circumstances may throw curveballs, you have complete control over your internal world. This encompasses a multitude of aspects that, when harnessed effectively, empower you to navigate life’s uncertainties and create a fulfilling existence.

Here’s a deeper dive into the things you can control within yourself:

  • Your thoughts: You have the remarkable ability to choose your focus. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts and anxieties, you can cultivate a growth mindset by practicing positive affirmations and focusing on solutions rather than problems.
  • Your actions: You are in charge of your behaviors and choices. This includes the effort you put towards your goals, the way you treat others, and the habits you choose to cultivate. You can choose to be kind and compassionate, to be patient and persistent, or to be proactive and take initiative.
  • Your reactions: While you may not be able to control external events that trigger your emotions, you can control how you respond to them. Instead of reacting impulsively or letting your emotions control you, you can choose to respond thoughtfully and calmly. This might involve taking a deep breath, practicing mindfulness, or seeking support from others.
  • Your choices: Every day, you make countless choices, big and small, that shape your life’s trajectory. You choose how you spend your time, the energy you invest in your relationships, and the path you pursue. By making conscious and deliberate choices aligned with your values and goals, you gain a sense of agency and purpose.

Taking control of these aspects of yourself is not about forcing positivity or suppressing emotions. It’s about developing self-awareness and exercising conscious control over your inner world. 

By doing so, you can cultivate resilience, navigate challenges with greater ease, and ultimately, shape your life into something meaningful and fulfilling. Remember, empowering yourself starts from within.

Q&A: Taking Charge

While external circumstances may often feel overwhelming, focusing on the three things you can always control empowers you to navigate life’s complexities with greater resilience and purpose. 

These three pillars form the foundation of personal empowerment, allowing you to take charge of your inner world and influence the way you experience life:


Your attitude is the lens through which you perceive and interpret the world around you. It encompasses your mindset, outlook, and overall approach to life. Choosing to cultivate a positive attitude doesn’t mean ignoring challenges or suppressing negative emotions. 

Instead, it involves embracing a growth mindset, believing in your ability to learn and grow from experiences, and approaching challenges with optimism and determination. Even in difficult situations, you can choose to focus on the opportunities for growth, find the silver lining, and maintain a sense of hope for the future.


Your effort represents the dedication and commitment you invest in your goals and aspirations. It’s about taking concrete actions, big or small, towards what you want to achieve. 

While the outcome of your endeavors may not always be within your control, you can always control the effort you put in. Choosing to exert consistent and dedicated effort demonstrates your commitment to your goals and increases the likelihood of achieving them. Remember, sustained effort, even amidst setbacks, is essential for progress and personal growth.


Life throws curveballs, and you will inevitably encounter situations that trigger negative emotions or challenge your well-being. While you may not be able to control the situation itself, you have complete control over your response. This involves choosing to respond thoughtfully and calmly rather than reacting impulsively or allowing your emotions to control you. 

Taking a deep breath, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support from trusted individuals are all strategies that can help you manage your reactions and respond in a way that aligns with your values and goals. 

By taking control of your response, you prevent external circumstances from dictating your emotional state and empower yourself to navigate challenges with greater composure and clarity.


These three pillars of attitude, effort, and response are interconnected. Maintaining a positive attitude fuels your motivation to put in effort, and your dedicated effort fosters a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing a positive attitude. 

Similarly, managing your response to challenging situations allows you to maintain a positive outlook and continue putting in the effort towards your goals.

By understanding and harnessing these three pillars of personal empowerment, you unlock the potential to navigate life’s journey with greater agency, resilience, and a sense of fulfillment.

What can you control right now?

  • Your breath: Taking slow, deep breaths can calm your mind and body in stressful situations.
  • Your focus: You can choose to shift your attention away from negativity and towards something positive and productive.
  • Your actions: You can take a small step towards a goal, reach out to someone you care about, or simply choose kindness in your next interaction.

What do I have control over?

While external circumstances may throw unexpected curveballs, your inner world remains your domain. This encompasses a vast landscape of things you have control over, empowering you to navigate life’s uncertainties and create a fulfilling existence. 

Here’s a deeper exploration of what truly lies within your sphere of influence:

  1. Your Internal Narrative: 

Your thoughts and beliefs shape your perception of the world and yourself. You have the remarkable ability to cultivate a growth mindset, fostering positive self-talk and challenging limiting beliefs. 

By choosing to focus on positive affirmations and gratitude, you cultivate an optimistic outlook and fuel your motivation to tackle challenges.

  1. Your Emotional Landscape: 

While emotions are a natural human response to external stimuli, you have the power to manage your emotional responses. By practicing mindfulness and emotional intelligence, you can learn to identify your emotions, understand their triggers, and choose healthy coping mechanisms to regulate them effectively. 

This allows you to navigate challenging situations with greater composure and prevent your emotions from dictating your actions.

  1. Your Decision-Making Power: 

Every day, you make countless choices, both big and small, that shape your life’s trajectory. You have control over how you spend your time and energy, the relationships you invest in, the habits you cultivate, and the goals you pursue. 

By making conscious choices aligned with your values and aspirations, you take charge of your life and steer it towards a direction that brings you purpose and fulfillment.

  1. Your Actions and Behaviors: 

You are in charge of your actions and behaviors. This encompasses the effort you invest in your goals, the kindness you extend to others, and the responsibilities you take ownership of. 

Choosing to be proactive and take initiative empowers you to shape your reality rather than passively wait for things to happen.

  1. Your Personal Growth: 

You have the potential for continuous learning and growth. By taking responsibility for your personal development, you can actively seek knowledge, develop new skills, and expand your comfort zone. 

This journey of self-discovery allows you to evolve as an individual and unlock new possibilities in all aspects of your life.


Focusing on the things you have control over is not about ignoring external challenges or suppressing emotions. It’s about developing self-awareness and exercising conscious control over your inner world. 

By harnessing this power, you can cultivate resilience, navigate challenges with greater ease, and ultimately, shape your life into something meaningful and fulfilling. Remember, empowerment starts from within.

Because Life is All About Connections

Life Connections provides mental health services in our 13 office locations and approved schools across Iowa. Life Connections was founded in March of 2009 with the intent to serve the children and families of Cedar Rapids and surrounding cities.

Life Connections is a highly professional and caring counseling and behavioral health provider. We offer a wide array of services to treat mental health issues.

For more information and support, please Contact Us

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    Start Mental & Behavioral Health Services with Life Connections | Because life is all about connections.